Your Next Step

At VFC we belief that spiritual growth is like lifting weights.  Even when you think you’ve reached peak physical fitness levels, you can always regress if you don’t take the next steps towards bettering yourself.  Just a few months off from working out and you lose at least a portion of that valuably gained strength.  Well, spiritual maturity works in the just the same way.  We should always be pushing ourselves to love God more, love others more, and influence outsiders more.

VFC emphasizes taking ‘your next step’ no matter what step you just took.  That can mean a number of different things.  Maybe you just visited VFC for the first time and something caused you to question your life and relationship with God.  You might be seeking Him and the next logical step is becoming a Christ follower.  Or, God may be working in your life and you feel the need to be baptized.  Those are both great ‘next steps’.

You may be looking to strengthen your relationship with Christ or your bond with the church.  Membership may be your next logical step?  Or maybe a service opportunity.  Or God may be calling you to lead.  He may be telling you to give, or he may be telling you it’s time to go deeper.

No matter what step you’ve just taken, there’s always another on to take. f you are interested in taking that next step…please fill out the form below and someone will contact you immediately: